I had a bit of an NSV I guess although not sure I can definitely call it that anymore. We went to Frank's, a local italian restaurant that Kathy and I love. We had a little extra and Kathy asked for it. I traditionally go with the biggest pair of pants I own on so I can stuff myself full. Their food is seriously the best I have ever tasted. Tonight, I kept my head and ordered a grilled chicken ceasar salad, ate the chicken and maybe a quarter of the salad. It had a ton of dressing and parmesian cheese on it, so I kept that to a minimum. I was only at like 1300 calories, so I had an order of spicy chicken nuggets on the way home from the game. I would have to call yesterday a rousing success! Now for the weekend 5k's. I have to set an alarm for Saturday morning because I have to drive up to Springdale, my home town, to watch my nephew Gary play some football. Then I have to come back and get some homework done. I have a couple of essays to write and a sociology test to study for and some quizzed to get taken online. I need to get all that done so I can watch me some Sunday night football baby! Cowboys gonna whooop up on some Redskins this Sunday!!

Way to go, you!