I now work in a law firm and I love it, but before that, I worked in primarily industrial jobs. I was never the guy that was on the line packing or whatever, I always had support jobs like maintenance or set up of machinery. So anyway, one of the jobs was at a factory that specialized in resistance welding, which is a fancy way of saying we put two pieces of metal together, run a great deal of electricity through it and melt them together but in a controlled manner. So all 12 hours, I worked on machines that used high voltage electricity. So one of the first things I was ever taught was that you cannot be afraid of electricity. You must have a healthy respect for it, but you can't be afraid. Once you have fear, you act irrationally and that is when you make mistakes and get hurt. I am glad to say that after three years, I only got bit once by the electricity. Now, this may not come out as good in print as it did in my head, but I look at food comparably to electricity. They both occur naturally, and we have the power to harness them for our own purposes. So, it stands to reason I should apply the same principles that I use in dealing with food as I did dealing with electricity. I have to respect food, it has the ability to hurt me if I do not, but I don't fear it. Not anymore. It has been tamed and contained in my life. I work with it without fear and with complete control. Once I show fear, I stand the chance of losing, and I can't take that chance, not any more.
So I have been getting alot of comments from my regular commenters and some folks that do not always comment. Many of them say that I am an enjoyable read and a bit of an inspiration to folks. I am too lazy to go back and look at all the comments to find out who all said these nice things about me, but if you are one of those folks, Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart. I really do love this blog and all it does for me, but I also love knowing that someone out there gets something from this blog. I with all my heart hope to help someone see that this is possible, that the journey may be long, but it is what you make of it. I try to keep an upbeat and positive attitude and moving forward. I want to be someone else's Sean one day. If that happens, that would be the coolest thing ever!!
I have taken an extraordinarily long time to type this while Kathy and I have watched the Notebook. I have to say, not a bad movie folks. I like it well enough that if Kathy buys it, I won't grouse too much. Well I am gonna get off here and say good night.

Binging is a big problem of mine Shane, I like the way you have compared it electricity, For the first 12 months of my journey I never binged and never ate in secret, then it came back, I am now working on stopping them. I need to stopping fearing them. Tahnks again I am enjoying watching your journey.
ReplyDeleteOh and I love the notebook great choice, not sure my hubs would sit throughit. lol
Fear No Food. Love that.
ReplyDeleteYour analogy is a great one! The process of learning that we control the food, not the other way around has got to be one of the most important that we learn along the way. That realization is empowering. Keep it up, Shane!
ReplyDeleteWow, Shane, I LOVE your analogy. It makes perfect sense. I started my trip down this transformation road on Monday. I found you on Sean's blog, and thought I might follow you as well. I had a hungry day yesterday (9/1) but I fought through it and still didn't go over, in spite of what felt like constant munching. I am determined to have a better day today! I got this, right?
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting it all out there for us. I'm too shy to blog, but I am watching...we can do this!
Shane you are amazing to me that you are getting this stuff so fast! Law school should be a breeze for you. You are intelligent and intuitive. Keep going....
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a nice feeling to turn the tables on the food thing and finally be in control?