Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 101 Not Very Interesting

Day 101 was much less active than Day 100, and not sure if I liked it or not. I had a ton o' school work to do and the girls had Girl Scout stuff to do out of the house, so I took advantage and just did homework the whole time they were gone. I also made a very difficult decision. I chose to do no exercise today. I am so sore and stiff and my body and feet are crying out for rest. I decided to take the day off today and get my homework done and just rest generally. It was ok while I was doing the homework, but once I was done, my feet were itching for a walk! I seriously had to talk myself out of it. I will be glad to get my walk in tomorrow morning to get rid of this itch!

Today was back to normal on my eating. I came in at 1610 on calories and had zero cravings. And I did not have the usual hunger I get on Sundays here lately, so that was a nice change I think. I kinda missed it truth be told. I don't know if you can be addicted to hunger, but if you can, I guess I am. I have come to thrive on the slight rumble in my tummy I guess. I feel like i am successful if it is there. a security blanket I guess? Well I best finish my tv watching. I have Pretty Woman on and it is not bad show I guess. It is the only movie I find Julia Roberts honestly attractive in. She is a great actress but I don't get the hoopla about her looks generally.


  1. Ha, I KNOW that security blanket, the tiny rumble. I used to panic if I felt to full, even if I had eaten very well but felt "full", I would think I ate too much.

    Nice on the rest day, also nice that you are still craving exercise, even if it is just a walk, good for you! I tried some stuff this weekend that I'm not used to and my arm muscles are a bit stiff.

  2. I love that your feet were itching for a walk! I'm just now starting to get that itch to exercise. I was in a meeting last week and kept thinking about how much I'd rather be on the elliptical at the gym. That's completely opposite of my norm of wishing to be anywhere other than the gym. It's amazing how far a person can progress in such a short time. Our bodies are not the enemy - they want us to be healthy!

  3. I love Pretty Woman! Who says ya cant turn a hoe into a housewife?
    About sundays: those are the worst days for me of all time. I want to eat all day.

  4. I was seriously craving some popcorn and/or chips (I wasn't particular)last night and I resisted. I have been lo-carbing since August 23rd and it seems to really be working...for me. I have knee problems periodically- no pain but a twist I feel- and there are times I know better to not push it! We know our bodies best. It sure feels good to be successful, doesn't it?

  5. Sundays are always tough for me...I'm constantly hungry. Maybe it is because it is a less stressful day, so I have more time to think about food.

  6. Stay away from those Girl Scout cookies!!! :) They are for sale in Canada right now...yikes!
