Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 109 Can You Feel It?

Good Monday evening my fine fellow bloggers and bloggerettes! I am in a fine mood tonight. I had what I would consider a break through of a day today. I can't really explain it all that well but I will try. I have posted and seen many other posts regarding the fact that despite all the evidence you see like the number on the scale, the looser clothing, friends raving about your weight loss etc, we just don't see or feel that we are any thinner. Well today, I just felt it!! Not due to a glance in the mirror, not because I bent over effortlessly, not because I could walk faster and further (all of which did happen today but not before my feeling began) but I just FELT it. I had a swagger about me, I was even more focused on the future and how my body would change, and I just plain accepted that I was thinner. I hope to have more of these days!

My eating has been exceptional here lately. I only got close to the 1800 calories I allow myself on the weekends on Sunday and still, even with the sweet treats, only got to 1705 calories! I spent most of today hungry, I suspect because of my huge amount of activity Sunday, but I just kept working through it and my final count for the day today was only 1380 calories. I didn't get as many vegetables as normal today and have asked Kathy to help me rectify that for the rest of the week. I am so glad to be seeing this lifestyle change be taking root! I am even more excited to see the results of my decision to change coming to fruition!!

I had a great time in general tonight watching Lauren play basketball! She is a lot better than last year. I am going to take advantage of the more active me and get out and help her practice extra. She is still scared to shoot the ball in a game, so I am going to help her get over that and to learn how to get open and ask for the ball. It is great to know that I will be able to move now and help her with more than just instructions!

Well tomorrow is my big day for the election. I either win and become Justice of the Peace or I lose and get this over with! I have decided I am fine with either outcome. I do have a lot of time commitments already and it would just be one more, but in the same token, I could use the extra money too. So ya'll keep me in your thoughts and prayers that the Lord will have his will be done and that I be ok with either outcome please.


  1. Good luck with the election. One of my friends from church is running for commissioner- his wife is shy and told me she can't wait for the election to be done with. guess tonight she'll have her wish! I haven't lost that much weight but I have gone down 2 sizes and given away those baggy clothes. I am hoping to start showing the loss soon haha but please, Lord, not in the face!!! Neat you are 'coaching' Lauren- my son never wanted the spotlight in sports either and he was pretty athletic. My girls played soccer and the older one lacrosse but that was pretty much it for sports.

  2. Love the swagger, Shane! Confidence is better than doubt any day of the week! And I'm praying for a good outcome today...we need more elected officials like you! But more than that, praying for His will for you and your family. He knows what's best and it's awesome when you can rest in that. Can't wait to find out how it all shakes out tonight. ;-)

  3. I'd vote for you if I could!! That feeling--it's so incredible, huh? Oh yes--and it gets better and better, my friend. I'm very happy for you!

    My best always

  4. Good for you on the swagger! You sound like you're super excited and you have such an awesome attitude! I love hearing about it, thanks!

  5. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to realize that each of those little decisions adds up to a big payoff? I like that you said you were hungry but you just kept working through it. That's going to be in my head this week. I've lost a little oomph this week, but I'm geared up for today! (Repeat to self: Just work though the hunger...work through the hunger.)

    Best of luck on the election!

  6. Ooooh good luck with the election! That's sooo exciting!!!

  7. I have voted for you in Blogville today. And I will be campaigning for you until the polls close. I know a winner when I see one. That swagger will really be showing tomorrow.

  8. Good luck!! You make a great justice of the peace.

  9. good luck!!!! CAnt wait to hear the results. Also, I am so happy for you for your breakthrough. Those are so very important. Embrace it!

