As anyone who follow me regularly knows, I was in my first 5k yesterday that I yammered on and on about. I had told my wife I really did think I was gonna do well. I get the feeling she thought I was just being an optimist as I am wont to do nowadays. But my smack talk, it comes with back up baby! Check this out!
I kicked butt! I was tenth overall and 2nd in my age group, which is where the medal comes from. I was in the lead pack from the gun and since it was my first race, I was trying to hold back a little to see if I needed a burst at the end to make sure I would finish well. I wound up jogging the last 1/4 mile with a guy that was trying to keep pace with me and I was ready at any second to turn on the jets to make sure I finished ahead of him, but he wound up conceding I had more in the tank I guess cause he fell back the last 100 yards. It really was fun to get out and compete. I have a strong competitive urge and I have not had an outlet in quite sometime, so yesterday fulfilled an empty spot for me, it was truly a blessing. Here I am at the finish line even though it was quite a bit after I had finished.
So even if that was all that had happened yesterday, I would have been happy. But no, the day just kept getting better. I went to lunch with Kathy after, and I got a free spicy chicken sandwich at Chick-Fil-A. Then we came home and loaded up the fishing gear, and Kathy and I went on our first fishing outing of the season. We planned kinda poorly though. we both got sunburns! Here is the one an only picture of me fishing from yesterday. We usually take many more, but we were pretty intense yesterday. We were both determined to catch something!
So that should have capped the day off right? Well in my world, cool and awesome stuff just keeps on happening. So we stopped at my parents to visit on the way home and my dad had taken the top out of the Corvette he bought this winter. I am a sucker for a topless ride baby! So I convinced him he needed to take me for a ride in it while it was still nice out before the sun went down. We took off for a cruise. I was having a blast, but then, he stopped the car, got out and said get in the driver's seat boy! I was nervous as hell! It is a Corvette after all. But after we got going, I settled in and had a great time as evidenced by this picture:
It was a heck of a day! And this isn't as awesome as most of my day, but considering I love to grill, it was just a cake topper to get to come home and grill us some chicken for dinner. I went to sleep last night a very contented man. A tired, sunburned, somewhat sore man, but contented as all get out. I bought a shirt at a yard sale the other day, perhaps ya'll have seen the line of merchandise "Life Is Good". I didn't have that shirt on, but I should have yesterday!

Always be grateful for this new life ;) well done, you are looking great
ReplyDeleteThat is downright flipping fantastic!!
ReplyDeleteWow it sounds incredible!Im trying to get ready for a 5k now this is so inspirational! Great job!
ReplyDeleteYou are looking SO good....what an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the medal and the fantastic day!! You are looking terrific, too!
ReplyDeleteAmazing to have won the medal considering when you started running. I always say, running progress happens quickly...quicker than scale progress. Congrats are on a roll with life!
ReplyDeleteThis was such a great and heart felt post to read, Shane. I am so very happy for you and for your family. You are transformed! That is what it is. You have worked so hard. Now, that work is paying off in great ways with fitness. Congratulations on your first race and that metal. I am so PROUD of you! Your friend, Michele
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome day!! Congratulations on your kickass medal!!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome!!!! Good for you! You've worked so hard!
ReplyDeleteThat's so amazing