Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 143 A Physics Lesson Today

Well as I posted last night, today was I agreed to do a 10 mile walk challenge. Christine asked me about a month ago to join her in pushing our outside limits on this day. She was inspired by one of her friends that was doing a marathon, so Christine decided to do a half marathon today. She, I and a few other of her friends all got on board and agreed to go for it today. I knew I did not have 13.1 miles in me, but I did decide to try for 10 miles on the treadmill.

I don't know how many of us remember what from science classes from high school, but one thing that I have always remembered from them is the statement "a body at rest, tends to stay at rest, a body in motion, tends to stay in motion". So today, I got to apply that to my walking. I got thru the first 5 miles fairly easily, with the majority of it being done at 3.3 miles an hour at a 3 percent grade. I took a quick break at 5 miles and came back to get the second half in. At 6.3 miles, I hit the wall. I had gotten 6.5 last week on Saturday, so I was not about to stop till I got 7 at least. At 7, I wondered if I had 8 miles in me. So I kept going. At 8 I debated about going ahead and stepping of the treadmill and calling a good effort. I spent so long debating about it that I was almost at 8.5 miles and at about that time, I started feeling better. My legs didn't hurt as much, my abs were a little loser and quite frankly, I just couldn't get myself to give up. I was a body in motion, and I was going to stay in motion as per my physics lessons! As I began to let my mind wander, I started thinking how that physics rule has applied to me in both respects over my life time. I got fat by applying the first condition, and I ahve thinned down some by applying the second. It is honestly that simple. I am doing nothing extreme, I mean I want to run, I just can't because of my ankles. I seriously just walk, hence the body in motion. That is all. And the more I have walked, the more I want to and can walk. A body in motion baby!


  1. I totally hear you! I hit my block at 7 miles but I kept pushing on. I really wanted to give up around 9 miles, but I said no. I kept going, and before I knew it (and kind of blanking out on time helps) I had gotten 13.1 miles done! HOORAY! Congrats Shane! I hope you are really proud of your achievement! The goal was to push yourself a little further than you had done before, and you did it! Wahoo! There's nothing that you can't achieve if you put your mind to it. Very proud of you my friend!

  2. I've seen many bloggers talk about running and I envy them for some reason. I always feel stupid saying "oh I just walked today". My knees and ankles are shot and I'm in no position to even attempt to run. You really do inspire me that even walking can result in change.

  3. You are just a fireball of motivation and inspiration! Love this post!

  4. I think walking is just as productive and amazing as running. I am so proud of you!

  5. WOW!!! You did awesome. You are doing awesome. I've been doing some reading and I really like your blog, your family, your ideas. You keep up this great work girl and you'll be where you want to be in no time at all (well some time but it won't matter once you're there).
    I'm following you and cheering you on all the way.
    Take care, sleep tight and God Bless!!

  6. WTG Shane!! And where are you?????

  7. Good Morning Shane!
    Been following you since day are awesome! Your blog is helping me in more ways than one. Hope all is well with you.....everything OK?
    Michelle in Ontario

  8. Uh, oh. Hope your push to walk 13.1 miles didn't lay you up, Shane. Hope all is well.
    Congrats on your perseverance!
