Thursday, May 5, 2011

Squats Are Evil!

Yeah just what the heading says. I am trying to mix my workouts up a little here lately make them fresh and new to me. I added weight training back in last month and have been messing with my treadmill routine too. So yesterday, I decided to replace a good run with some squats. I did a total of 100 non weighted squats. WOW!! I am in a lot better shape than the last time I did squats, but it still has torn me up! I got deep muscles soreness in my quads, hams and glutes and can even tell a little in my lower abs! So those will be a part of my routine at least once a week now. I love a good challenge like I said. So today is gonna be interesting during the jog, cause I am hurting for realz!

I am so ready to get this school over with. Today is my last day. I did a bad bad thing yesterday. I pizza buffeted for lunch! I just keep giving in to the stress of this week and I am tired of it! Once today is over with, I am done. I am goal setting and I am achieving them. No going to law school a lard butt for me!


  1. Shane, NOMB but I think it would help you to plan your meals and snacks...I'm sure Kathy pretty much knows what she will be serving for dinner and that might help you with good choices. As for a pizza buffet, if you know you will be eating it at lunch, you can have a snack before so you're not so ravenous and a light meal in the evening. My problem is the pizza with all the carbs would set me up for a couple of days of craving them all over again! I did that a bit with candy/sugar over Easter. Do you ever grill at night during the work week? SQUATS? Are you nuts LOL?

  2. Squats ARE doubt.


  3. They're evil but oh so effective. Just don't get stuck in a traffic jam in a standard car after doing them...that clutch becomes a painful pedal to use.

  4. Oh dude! I feel your pain! I did squats and lunges 3 days ago and I'm still feeling it!! EVIL! but oh so effective!!!

  5. I have a past blog post that starts out "Squats are the devil..." This blog post made me laugh with deja vu! lol

