I was also thinking last night about how I love being sore. It is counter intuitive I know, but if my muscles hurt, I feel very powerful. I guess it is the knowledge that I worked them out and I can feel them now and KNOW they are there. I have been doing some pretty intensive ab and thigh workouts here lately and every time, I get pretty sore. I hurt, but like I said, knowing those muscles exist makes me feel just RAAAAAAARH!! Plus I was walking to my bedroom last night and just had a flash back of how sadly, that used to be a chore! Now I can hop, skip, leap frog, whatever I want to do to get back there and it not effect me. And the reason is simple. I was trying to ambulate a 300 pound body with 120 bodies worth of muscles. Now, the ratio has evened out! I love it!
I also spent the day wrapped up in my calories and how many I had taken in and how many I had burned for the day. I always write my calories down, but sometimes I stop and just add up how many I have taken in and figure up how many I have burned since I have been up and see physical proof that I am in a calorie deficit at the time and it makes me feel well in control quite frankly! And that is what most of us are lacking, feeling like we are in control.

Sounds like you're back in the driver's seat!