Friday, January 4, 2013


Not sure where exactly I am going with this, but I have it in my head rattling around. We are all on this weight loss blog thing for a reason. Our weight is not where we want it to be. So as a matter of course, we set out to correct that segment of our life by getting motivated to do the things necessary to lose weight. And we succeed and fail to varying degrees. And those successes and failures are relegated to that segment of our lives. What I lack is the global thinking to realize that I fail in that segment of my life because of other segments of my life and the influence they have over each other. I lost a lot of weight in 2010. Why? Because that one segment became my focus, taking a back seat to all others. However, when I started law school, that segment, that focus on my weight loss or physical fitness segment of my life, it got supplanted. Now I find myself back in an unenviable position. I have to muster the strength to get my fitness back in focus. But obviously, I still have to put effort into being a law student as well. So now I am faced with a daunting task: how to succeed in two areas that require my attention. And in so succeeding, to not let my family life, my spirituality, or my social life wane. I honestly believe that so often, that is one of the major reasons we fail. We can't balance out each segment of our lives, and then when we get one fixed to our liking, we have let another one get so out of whack that we throw all our attention that way, and then lose focus on the one we just spent a ton of energy on. Well no more for me. I am going to lose weight and get in shape, but this time around, I will be mindful of putting TOO much effort into it, to the detriment of other segments. I may take a long time getting myself back to sub-200 pounds this time, but I think that may be the best thing for me. I cannot let one segment outweigh any others, or that progress will again be lost.


  1. Finding a balance, sometimes can be hard - is hard. :) I wish I had an answer. Just don't use bandaids!

  2. Yes I agree. I hit 50 lbs lost last summer, but weight loss was my biggest focus. Now I am 10 lbs up -- not obese, but overweight -- and the truth is to lose weight again I need to focus on it more, and incorporate into my life as more of a priority. Tough!
