Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 190 Physical Activity And Attitude

Good evening bloggers and bloggerettes! I have to tell you, my morning workouts are becoming like crack to me! As I talked about before, the Wal Mart walking had run its course, and it did get me to a new level of fitness, but the challenge just wasn’t there anymore. I decided to take up jogging, and as I was fairly sure that Wal Mart’s management would likely frown on me jogging 2 miles in their store, I decided to completely overhaul my morning routine to include treadmill time at 5 in the morning. I was a bit worried that walking away from a routine that had worked so well for me and trying to start something new would lead to me not working out in the mornings anymore and provide a possible pitfall in my journey. Another fear I had was that since I had done my cardio first, for the first couple of days I didn’t have the energy to do my weight workout too. Luckily, I managed to figure all that out and have gone back to cardio and weight work in the morning. And as I said before, I love it! It is like crack! I am not in quite good enough jogging shape to jog at 5 miles an hour every day yet, so I have been alternating between jogging one day and doing a pre programmed workout on the treadmill every other day. Number 4 weight loss program was a tough one at first, but today for the first time, I found myself thinking it was just not hard enough anymore. So here is the thing. The next level of preprogrammed workouts is labeled as performance workouts! Just by the diagram on them, I suspect that there is a great deal of fast uphill running, and I am intrigued and scared at the same time! I know from experience you can adjust the preprogrammed incline and speed to fit your preference, but I don’t like to do that. I have to rise to the challenge, it is just in my nature. I am thinking Saturday morning may be me against Performance Workout Program 5! I have also just about decided to start turning my jogging speed up to 5.5 but not jog my full 5k yet. My ultimate goal is to be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes. I don’t want to get there too fast though because it helps me to keep goals ahead of me.
So tell me, is there a uber-competitive streak in you? Do you find yourself pushing physically as you drop the weight? What is your favorite physical accomplishment to date?


  1. I have been reading your blog for awhile because I like your positive attitude and I think your goals are very realistic. I think you should sign up for a 5K race. It totally changed me into a runner (a slow one but still) and gave me a real goal to work towards which was completing the 5k in under 30 minutes. I know you can do it!

  2. Great work Shane! I just got to read your post from yesterday and I love it! What great motivation for the next six months of your journey!!! I can't wait to be a bloggy witness to it all!

  3. This is awesome news! I say go for it!! You can do it. :)

    I second the morning workouts is like crack. The one morning that I did go out very early to workout I was on top of the world the rest of the day. Very weird, but VERY COOL!

  4. I am crazy competitive with myself-I am currently doing 4x the exercise that I am technically 'allowed' on my plan, and I worried I am going to add kettlebell, too (ok, not really 'worried'). My favorite accomplishment lately is doing pullups (not pretty, but effective)!

    Polar's Mom
