Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Reality Check

I was tasked with bringing cookies into work this morning. Kathy made them for my co-workers as a thank you for not killing me for my antics. Honest and truly, I wanted to drop them on the kitchen table and never look at them. But not being that self-disciplined, I broke into them. That was a great opportunity for me to do the "quittin' thang" again. But I decided that the 5 cookies I just ate didn't knock me off the train tracks, it just slowed the train down. I can keep on those tracks, but the speed the train goes is up to me and my choices. 5 cookies means I went from 35 mph to 15 mph. But I can start putting the better fuel in my body, and get back to 35 mph, then 55mph if I keep avoiding the crappy fuel! That is the reality, one bump is not the end. 5 bumps are not the end. The goal shouldn't ever be to have no bumps, but to make the bumps further and further apart each time!!


  1. Great attitude! Progress is progress and it never runs in a straight line.

  2. Oh, dear, I wish you only to speed up and keep the store of your fuel filled up!) Do not get frustrated on that small misshape! You are gonna be alright!)
