I am so excited this morning! I am heading out in a little while for my first ever competitive 5k! I love competition and thought I am under no impression I will win, I know I will make a good showing at least. This is the best feeling. I used to play football in high school and I seriously miss that feeling of when you take the field and you anticipate that first snap and the first hit of the game, when your head is going ninety miles an hour and your stomach has butterflies. This is the same thing, I am just ready!
Yesterday, I was sneaky. Not food eating sneaky, it was work out sneaky. I had told myself I wasn't gonna work out Friday to save my legs for today. I kinda failed kinda didn't. It was not a work out per se ;-). I went to campus to take care of dropping a couple of classes I didn't wind up taking cause I didn't need them. It was an experience trying to make contact with all the people I had to have sign my drop slip and finding out what my alternative were. I was having trouble getting both professors and my advisor to sign the slips. I have been at the school for coming up on 4 years now and I honestly can say I have not been in some of the buildings on campus. I made that an untrue statement yesterday! I went in to almost every building yesterday chasing down people that I needed to sign my forms. And my campus is much bigger than I ever really realized before. So I never drove while doing all this, it was foot travel only and I jogged the crosswalks, ran both up and down the stairs and was in constant motion for a little over two hours. It was great to realize how much better shape I am in! And had that been it, I would have felt good about my activity level for the day. But not this Shane, not super uber active, it is a warm day and not good for sitting Shane. I went and picked up Lauren from school after I was done and we went out and hit a bucket of golf balls, and I am slowly getting my swing back! Sad thing is, relative to our size and age, Lauren is a little better than me! When we finished there, I took Lauren to the park and what ensued next is one of those events that makes you really stop and thank God for your success in this journey. I played, literally played, with Lauren for the next hour on every piece of play ground equipment that she wet on! I did the monkey bars for the first time in years! I did them a few times in awe of my abilities! Then we went to the jungle gym and played king of the hill for awhile, where at one point in time, I hung upside down and swung back and forth for a while and then was able to pull myself back up!!! I then made a new friend while I was on the swing. We swung and chatted for about a half hour. I learned a lot from Luke. Apparently Hanna Montana cusses a lot more than I knew. She says butt, and hate and things of that nature and that is just unacceptable. And Luke's sister is kinda mean because she won't let him just walk in her room. And Luke has beaten many many grown up's up in play wrestling and boxing. His brother Gideon lies a whole bunch too. Oh and he owns a mini van too. He doesnt get to drive it, but it is his.
So yesterday was a great day, and I capped it off by watching a movie called "Red" with Kathy and it was awesome. I am a Bruce Willis fan anyway, but this movie was equal parts hilarious and action packed and those are my two favorite things in a movie! I also slept really well last night, which is kinda amazing since I went to sleep anxious about this morning. Again, I am not a bad sleeper it appears! Well I need to finish this coffee and get a bowl of cereal eaten so I have some carbs in me! Ya'll have a great Saturday. I think Kathy and I are going fishing! We love Arkansas in the spring!
Take some pics at the 5K race. I hope it's everything you dreamed of...