Monday, July 11, 2011

Wild Isn't It?

One of the things I marvel at now is how much my filter on so many things has changed during this journey. I forgot to start my day off writing down my calories, so I sat down to recreate my eating for the day a few minutes ago. I honestly just felt like I had eaten more than I should have today. So I sit down and get to pounding the numbers out, and it turns out, I was a little under on my calories today!! And the beauty is, with my "No Deals" policy in place, 1590 calories is my count for the day!! Yeah, kinda a bad man ain't I? So after just looking at my menu for the day, I can recall when all of that together probably would have been one meal for me. Heck I probably had 1600 calories by mid morning before, and if I didn't then I would have had that much plus another thousand by after lunch! And here is the thing, I would have subconsciously known i had overeaten, but my filter would have told me it was ok, no sense in worrying about it. Now today, I thought was over and was actually under! what a dynamic change!!

Do ya'll have the same experiences with finding out how different you perceive things like your calorie intake for the day, or how hard it used to be to just talk yourself into getting up to go do something and how it is so hard to sit down when you know something needs done? Let me know what it is that you most find amazing after getting on that golden brick road.


  1. Momentum. A good day of dieting and exercise leads to another.

  2. Yep. I am teaching this week in a place with loads of bags of chocolate. I used to never be able to pass by, but, now I can. I barely know it is there. Not one piece. SO, yes, making lots of good choices, most of the time.
