Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Maybe I Just Needed To Verbalize

So after yesterday's post, I had a great day eating. Not exceptional, but pretty dang good! It seems, as it has in the past, having a forum to verbalize what is going on, to say this is a problem I need to work on, has once again given me the perspective I need. This blog, and those of you who are kind enough to comment on my posts, is at least partially my saving grace so far. As I have said in the past, speaking to people who have an understanding of what this "disease" is like makes the communication more therapeutic. I can talk to a person who has never struggled with weight or the mental challenges faced with weight loss, but the reality is, they have nothing of substance to add to the conversation because there is no mutual understanding. But you guys and gals, you get it. You not only get it, you do or have lived it! And that is our common frame of reference and that is where the validity of our communication comes in. I want to thank Andi for a couple of days worth of some very nice and uplifting comments. I also want to thank Dawne for motivating me with a very heartfelt comment. You ladies are awesome and make me blush at the same time. those are very nice things you said.

I have a new challenge today. I am not in the workout kind of mood today. Not sure what this is about, but since I took yesterday off, I need to do something, even if it is a weight workout rather than a cardio. I have to keep my streak of being active in the morning alive to keep the habit going. I am debating about laying of the jogging for a bit,as I think the issue is one of boredom, and geting that Jillian 30 day shred dvd I threatened to get awhile back and doing it for a couple of weeks maybe. or possibly for 30 days..... haha. I need some changing up. I need a new challenge I think. any advice from my favorite peeps?


  1. P90X! :D My boyfriend and I are tackling that right now!

  2. Jillian will kick your butt! Go for it! :-)

  3. I agree that blogging is a saving grace. Keep it up, you are good at it :)

    I have the 30 day shred and did it the other day. I am still so sore I am not sure I am ready to do day 2...hehe. Go for it!


  4. P90X -- it's an incredible challenge...
